News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Dicamba “drift” destroying crops downwind from application sites of Monsanto’s toxic herbicide
It’s one of the most controversial issues in modern agriculture: persistent crop chemicals of a highly toxic nature that spread unabated beyond the field. The experts call this “drift,” and one herbicide in particular that’s causing major problems in this regard is dicamba, also known as “Xtend,” a broad-leafed Monsanto weedkiller product commonly applied to […]
By Ethan Huff
Neil deGrasse Tyson teams up with violent wife beater Jon Entine and convicted felon ringleader of ACSH to produce Monsanto propaganda film called “Food Evolution”
Fake science guru Neil deGrasse Tyson will have his voice featured in a new documentary film entitled Food Evolution that claims to provide an independent analysis of the facts on modern food. But a closer look reveals that the entire project is more of an advertising campaign for the chemical industry than it is an […]
By Ethan Huff
How Neil deGrasse Tyson destroys the credibility of all science by shilling for the chemical pesticide industry
To some, he’s one of the coolest and most progressive voices in science today. To others, he’s a chemical and biotech industry shill of the highest order, and someone whose conscience is apparently silent as he continually makes up lies to push his evil agenda. This mystery person is none other than Neil deGrasse Tyson, […]
By Ethan Huff
If Neil deGrasse Tyson were popular a generation ago, he would have shilled for Big Tobacco and insisted that smoking cigarettes doesn’t cause cancer
To his many gushing fans, he’s basically an all-knowing science oracle who can’t be questioned on anything in this particular field of study. But to everyone else, Neil deGrasse Tyson is little more than a shameless sellout to the cult of scientism, which in the modern age means actively shilling for biotechnology and crop chemicals. […]
By Ethan Huff
Neil deGrasse Tyson joins the list of the world’s most EVIL propagandists who push poison in the name of “science”
Chances are that during his tenure at Harvard back in the late 1970s, Neil deGrasse Tyson never had cognitive aspirations of becoming a poster boy for corporate, for-profit “science” after graduation. But that’s exactly what this pseudoscience charlatan has become, joining the ranks of other shameless propagandists like Jon Entine and Bill Nye whose entire […]
By Ethan Huff
Food Evolution GMO propaganda film was spearheaded behind the scenes by biotech shill and exposed wife beater Jon Entine
A new documentary film being released, entitled Food Evolution, is the latest in chemical industry propaganda spreading the message that GMOs (genetically-modified organisms) and crop chemicals and great, and branding it as “science.” And none other than wife-beater and raging lunatic Jon Entine is behind the project, which functions more as corporate PR campaign for […]
By Ethan Huff
‘Fake meat’ from Impossible Foods, backed by Bill Gates and Google, is loaded with GMOs and MSG … Is anyone surprised?
When it comes to innovation in Silicon Valley, nothing is sacred – including meat! That’s right, a team of chemical scientists has developed a new type of fake meat under the branding of “Impossible Foods” that, with the backing of Bill Gates, Google and many of the other usual suspects, is now being pushed as […]
By Ethan Huff
GMOs are not only dangerous but unnecessary-just look at India’s organic rice revolution
Things are finally turning around for the better in India after more than a decade of progressive crop failures, bankruptcies, and even suicides resulting from the country’s unfortunate adoption of biotechnology. Going against the grain of mainstream thought, many Indian farmers are deciding to ditch the GMOs and chemicals and go completely organic — and […]
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